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"KOTEI's 'Car Enjoyment Metaverse' Featured at Unreal Fest Shanghai 2023


From November 30th to December 1st, Unreal Fest Shanghai 2023 host an Unreal Engine Technology Open Day in Shanghai, where KOTEI, as Epic Games' strategic automotive partner, showcase its 'Car Enjoyment Metaverse.' Developed using Unreal Engine, this innovative product offers a revolutionary digital cockpit experience, allowing interaction with global Unreal Engine developers.

Epic Games' Unreal Engine, known for its advanced real-time 3D capabilities, is widely used across various industries including automotive and entertainment. KOTEI's product leverages high-computing chips and real-time technology to transform the intelligent car cabin experience, integrating the real and metaverse worlds. This approach offers an immersive VR driving experience, reducing motion sickness and advancing in-car entertainment and socialization.

KOTEI has already completed a Proof of Concept (POC) project with automakers, signaling readiness for mass production. As intelligent digital cockpits become essential in connected vehicles, KOTEI's advancements, incorporating VR and metaverse technologies, are set to personalize and enhance future cockpit designs.

KOTEI plans to continue blending automotive software development with innovative design trends, using Unreal Engine to develop lightweight 3D Human-Machine Interface (HMI) solutions. This approach will enable fast, customized development for automotive 3D HMI applications, paving the way for futuristic and immersive digital cockpit solutions in future travel."

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